A Writing Community for Women

Join the Zoom Writing Community for Women in Academia

“What are your ideal writing conditions?” asked the husband to his wife, an academic who juggled work with children and home under LOCKDOWN.

“It is ideal when I can write”, she replied.

The Zoom writing community is a space where women in academia can come to write together, but on their own projects. The online forum allows you to:

  1. Carve out 2 to 2.5 hours in your week to write, undisturbed

  2. Make writing a scheduled habit

  3. Feel supported by a community of like-minded women

  4. Connect with others on discussions about writing and work

  5. Reach out to women in academia across the world.

““The writing community is EXTREMELY important to me. This is really changing the game for me. Thank you very very much.”

— Roberta Campos


The free online Zoom sessions are led by Tanvi Mehta.

The first 15 minutes of each session are dedicated to talking about ourselves / our projects / our physical space.

The introductions are followed by 3 to 4 writing sessions of 25 minutes each, with a 5 minute break between each session. This is when you turn off your audio and start writing!

At the end of the 3 or 4 sessions, we check in with each other for 5 minutes to discuss how the process worked for us and how we felt.

That’s it!



SG 16:00 / INDIA 13:30 / PARIS 10:00 / LONDON 09:00 / NY 04:00